At the start of the pandemic, priories shifted drastically for everyone. Fashion, as an industry, suffered terribly. For me, I took a hard look at the way I was consuming fashion, but as a patron wanted to help the industry too. Promoting local and quality products became the solution. However, I put a pause on my consumption with a shopping ban. The year, where you just had to be home most of the time, fit my timeline. So, what did the clothes shopping ban do for me? It completely changed my perception of how I want to buy clothes in the future.

I put some work into understanding my style, likes, and dislikes. By doing so, I then knew what my wardrobe needs to achieve that vision. It ensured that I would not impulse buy, which not only leads to clutter but also pollution. Fast fashion notoriously makes us feel like we want to buy the ‘it’ clothes of the season, although there’s no need for them in the wardrobe. What happens when they go out of style? They end up in our trash and ultimately in the landfill. Saying no to impulse buying will put an end to the vicious cycle.
So, the next plan of action was to look beyond the seasonal trends and invest in classics. It might be a pantsuit or a quilted handbag and might cause some damage to the bank, but these would be a timeless addition to my closet. So, it’s all about thinking about the value of money over a long period. These clothes will never let you down and ensure a chic OOTD always. It’s something that can be passed down to future generations too. That’s why investing in such classics is a major win.

Lastly, I want to support local, homegrown brands and independent designers and buy from them if they have the clothes I want and need to complete my wardrobe. It’s easy to know how the clothes came into being, the people and efforts behind them when you buy from such places. I think it makes you proud to own that piece of clothing more and ensures that it lasts in the wardrobe for a really long time.
2021 and beyond, for me, is all about conscious consumption and investing in products that make me feel my best. It’s not about the quantity anymore, but all about the quality that my wardrobe represents. Thank you for these lessons, 2020!
Check out her Instagram here.
– Written by Rashmi Bhosale