Let’s talk about dreams. Not the ones that come to you while in bed while you sleep, the kind that keep you up at night instead. These are your aspirations and your goals, the tangible and intangible. It can be something as simple as hosting a dinner party for your loved ones, building your dream house in the Caribbean or as complicated as successfully launching a new business. Manifestation can bring your dreams to life if you learn how to do it right.

"It’s all about channelling your energy, entering a calmer space and envisioning a very specific goal."
What does manifesting mean?
To put it simply, manifesting means to bring your goals to life through thought, action, emotions, and belief. “It goes back to the age-old saying that luck is when opportunity meets preparation,” says AiSPi Founder, Aisha Saraf Kothari who is a fan of manifesting. To be able to manifest is to speak your intentions into physical existence.

“I was actually introduced to the concept of manifestation by my good friend Masoom Minawala in one of our working women groups. She asked us to hold hands, close our eyes, shout out exactly what we want to achieve and talk about it as if it’s actually happening. We all did the exercise without thinking too much about it.”
“Initially I didn’t give it much thought. However, there was just a sort of channelled energy after that. And genuinely, a few weeks later–those things happened! Fast forward to certain moments in life where things were not going as planned and I was feeling a bit low, I started using manifestation in my life. The trick is to close your eyes, shout out loud, be very specific, and actually imagine the exact thing happening in front of you.”
How does it work?
“Manifesting is not all magic,” says Aisha. “Just because you scream things out and envision them, it’s not going to land up in your lap.”
Hard Work
Hard work is the foundation for all manifestations. “If you’ve worked really hard for something you’ve been preparing for it, all your boxes are checked, but somehow things just aren’t clicking into place–use the power of manifestation.”

When manifesting, be very specific about what you want to achieve and how. “Don’t be vague, plan hypothetical scenarios, and don’t have unrealistic goals. You’ve already worked hard for it, now you just need to visualise and channel the energy as a beam towards that one goal. You will take all that hard work and channel that energy into achievement.” Close your eyes, describe everything down to a minuscule detail including what it feels like to experience holding it, owning it, or living through it, and say this out loud. It might be embarrassing, but it’s very effective.
Positive Mindset
“Manifestation puts you in the mindset of calmness, of peace. You breathe easier, your heart rate slows down and you are in a better space. It’s actually a scientific process, with a little bit of magic.”

How can we use it?
Manifestation is the kind of tool that you can use in daily life. “Before nerve-racking events like our trunk shows or big family events, I do this exercise.” It creates a positive energy around you and in alignment with the hard work that you have been doing to make your dreams come true.
“The AiSPi team does this exercise together. It really helped put our entire team in a positive mindset and I was amazed at the result it brought for us.”
Manifestation, much like innate skills and abilities, is a gear that you can add up to your life toolkit to help you in your journey and which you can polish over time. This is to say, practice makes perfect.

Written by Gabriela Ordaz
All images are courtesy of mentioned brands.
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