As a company who’s mission is to discover and curate the best of the local fashion community of Europe, it is no secret that AISPI loves a product that is made well, looks good, worth the buck and most importantly, comes from a local brand. From our years spent researching and exploring the hidden fashion gems of Europe, what we have come to realize is that the quality of craftsmanship and passion that you find in a local designer’s store is second to only none. Shop local now.
The time we’ve spent interviewing designers and listening to their stories on how they built their company to the traditional craftsmanship that takes up prominence in their product offering have all led us to the simple conclusion that the unbridled talent that comes out of locally made products is one that you would be hard pressed to find somewhere else. So it is only fitting that this festive season, we give you a few reasons on why you should shop locally and give the chain stores a pass.
You are encouraging your local artists.
Buying local is one of the best ways to show your support for your favorite local brand or boutique. More often than not, what you see on the racks at such stores is the result of months spent researching, ideating and executing different ideas, and almost always done by a single person. For these creatives, it is purely their passion that drives them to create and put forward that new bag or the piece of jewelry that you love so much and what could be a better time than the festive season to show your support for these hardworking creatives, right?

It is good for the environment.
With great power comes great responsibility. Or more precisely, with great purchasing power, comes great environmental (and social) responsibility. We all know how it works – you make an online purchase and within a few days, it’s sitting on your doorstep. While this practice in itself has several pros and cons (an argument that we’ll leave for another day), you’re essentially doing greater good for the environment when you opt to shop local or from a brand which will spend lesser environmental resources in delivering your favorite product to you. We’re all for supporting good design no matter from what part of the world, but the holiday season seems like the perfect time to do more good than less (Santa is watching, remember?).
You get to buy (and gift) pieces that you won’t find anywhere else!
Ever sat through the horror of wearing the same outfit as your colleague at that office party that everyone is at? For better or for worse, that is what happens when the only place you shop at is the mall. This festive season, skip the long lines and crowds of holiday shoppers and go local. If you’re wondering where to start, visit our website for tons of stores from Paris to Mykonos stocked from the ground up with beautiful pieces that, in all likelihood, Susan from work won’t be wearing, and for good reason – not only are the products from such brands made in smaller quantities, they are also not manufactured over and over again (also a reason why brands like these never run sales or offer huge discounts). This means that everything you purchase from your local boutique (whether for yourself or as a gift) is ultra exclusive and one that the recipient will treasure for years to come.
You are are supporting the local craft.
From a hat-maker in Milan to a sustainable designer from Berlin, Europe is chock-full of some of the best local fashion brands and every time you purchase something from them, you are supporting the local craft, enabling the designer to put food on the table and ensuring that the craft is carried forward for years to come. These crafts are often unique only to the designer or artist who practices it, making it all the more special and crucial to support these immensely talented creatives.

The holiday season is the perfect time to spread some good cheer and great vibes and like everything else, we like to do it fashionably so. If you’re wondering where to start, our discover section has some fabulous boutiques where you’re sure to find your pick.
For even more sartorial inspiration and the latest from the fashion community of Europe and don’t forget to shop local!
– Written by Soha Joshi