Belgian blogger and influencer, Zoë Fellows, started her journey on Youtube making music videos. Because of her love for fashion, she started creating fashion related content on her channel. The great response led her to create her blog to complement her videos. Soon, she discovered her love for writing and this led her to major in journalism.
Why fashion?
I have been into fashion ever since I was a little girl. I always wanted to pick my own outfits, even though I came out of my room in summer clothes when it was the middle of December. My main reason for loving fashion is that I like to inspire people.
Do you see blogging as an art?
It is definitely a form of art in some ways because to have a successful blog you need to be extremely creative and innovative. The time some bloggers spend on creating amazing visuals and inspiring texts is incredible.
You studied journalism, how was that like?
I acquired a lot of useful skill at university and learned more about the industry. I also got the opportunity to study fashion journalism in the United Kingdom which is where I learned the most valuable things.
Tell us about your blogger journey?
The reason I started blogging was to complement my YouTube channel. I wanted to bring my fashion videos to life even more by writing about it and adding pictures. I started off doing different topics like travel and food but soon realized my heart belonged to fashion.
Is it difficult being a blogger in Belgium?
I think it’s difficult everywhere right now but I try to do my own thing and be original. Since I am also a journalist I try to stay away from the commercial aspect of it as much as I can. I love discovering new trends from the catwalk and making them more wearable by showing my readers how to style them. The combination of styling, writing my articles and thinking of how to translate that into something everyone can relate to is what makes me happy.
How do you stay true to yourself in a world of following trends?
I have always compared my style to a chameleon because I adapt very easily. I made following trends an aspect of my style as opposed to completely changing my style every once in a while. My style is a mix of a Parisienne, athleisure and the boyfriend look.
You just graduated and you are already working for a magazine, how’s that going?
I feel incredibly lucky to have found a job so quickly because in this time and age it is not easy. I write for three different magazines that each have their own target audience which makes it a lot more interesting as well.
What’s the difference between blogging and writing for a magazine?
When I blog it comes from my personal views on fashion and what I would like to share with the world. As you work for a magazine, you can’t be selfish and you have to think of what your readers would like to see. When you are writing for Talkies Magazine, you can’t deliver the same content you would for your blog, it’s a different audience.
How do you stay up to speed with your social media and work?
I take pictures when I can so either I get up earlier to do a little shoot before going to the office or I take some shots in the weekend. It’s not easy to do but it takes a whole lot of planning. That’s why I use an app called UNUM to plan my feed because without that it would be a hot mess. Finding your own style when it comes to editing your photos for Instagram is really important. I have a white theme which makes for a cohesive and bright feed but it is crazy hard to maintain. I am always on the hunt for white backgrounds.
What is your biggest source of inspiration?
I get inspiration from different platforms because it’s important to have a broad range of sources. I look at bloggers such as Lizzy Hadfield and Samantha Maria a lot for style inspiration. Even other people on the street inspire me every day. Of course, the fashion bible, aka Vogue, is my biggest source of information and hopefully soon my employer!
Choose one moment in your career that felt like a highlight.
Having my articles printed and published in a magazine was an absolute dream come true. You see your work come to live and it’s almost like seeing your name in Broadway lights.
How do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years I hope I’m still doing what I love and hope to still be in the fashion business. Whether that is in journalism, PR or styling, I would love it all.
All images courtesy of Zoë Fellows
– By Valeria D’Andrea