Genta G: At the forefront of sustainability

If there is one word that is hot property in the global fashion industry right now, it is sustainability. Especially spurred by Greta Thurstenberg’s latest address to world leaders at the United Nations headquarters, it is no surprise that the fashion industry – which is the second largest polluting industry worldwide – is rapidly picking up pace and addressing the environmental impact the industry can have on the planet right now and for generations to come. European fashion blogger, Genta, who is currently based in Canada, explores more on the topic for AISPI.

Sustainability is a word that we are hearing more and more since the past few years in the fashion industry. Since environmental issues are taking up primary concern around the world right now, the fashion industry cannot be excluded from the narrative. Personally, I believe that sustainable fashion is a movement and includes a detailed process of changing the product offering and the thought process nurtured by the fashion industry in a way that facilitates greater ecological integrity and social justice.

Sustainable fashion raises important questions not just by looking at the products that brands have to offer, but by addressing the entire foundation upon which the fashion industry has been built. This involves dealing with interdependent social, cultural, ecological and financial systems. Therefore, sustainable fashion is primarily the responsibility of the everyday citizen.

As a fashion influencer and an important part of the modern fashion industry, I always look for brands that put sustainability as their primary mission and not just for the sake of moving the product. As an individual, I’m trying to get to know more and more about the brands that address sustainability. I am impressed by the fact that fast fashion brands like Zara, H&M and Mango are referring to sustainability more and more of late. It is a prominent change that I hadn’t noticed a couple of years back. It is heartening to see that they really care about the environment and that the principle of sustainability is not a propaganda to attract more people who care about sustainability.

I am seeing some major improvements with more and more brands coming forward with sustainable products exclusively. I would love to work specifically with brands that provide sustainable products. However, at the end of the day, it is always good to have an open mind and look for what brands other than the sustainable ones have to offer as well.

I am optimistic, though, that slowly the fashion industry as a whole will make sustainability their primary focus while making their products. Until then, we can all work together in creating a sustainable future for the fashion industry and beyond.

All images are courtesy of Genta G.

– Contributed by Genta G, Edited by Soha Joshi

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