You get a unique chance to be yourself and to be heard.
AISPI comes into your life with a bouquet of opportunities and challenges. In return to the tasks and responsibilities, you get a unique chance to be yourself and to be heard. You are offered to have a real touch of professional life. Behind every task, there is more than just a skill or capability but self-discovery. You feel like alongside with your input to the AISPI development, you flourish and grow with your own personality.

Behind every task, there is more than just a skill or capability but self-discovery.
AISPI is a start-up with the fashionable hard-working human heart. Often, in this world full of individualists, we forget the value of true teamwork. In many cases, it turns into a mysterious unicorn which you’ve heard of but never experienced. AISPI teaches you that is important to remember that one voice can be strong enough to make someone listen but when a chord of voices performs together, they can reach souls. The dedication and passion which stand behind each team member are crystal clear in every marketing idea and content created. When many works a one, the power of creativity is unstoppable. And simply sitting next to each of them, you feel eternal potential to become someone meaningful, someone who one day will conquer the world with its imagination and hard-work.
AISPI is a unique and encouraging environment supported by the founder as a thoughtful and respectful mentor. When you make your very first step into the professional world, you become vulnerable to mistakes and cold shoulders people can give you. That is nothing more important to have someone who is ready to inspire you to move on no matter what, because she knows that the result is worth to fight for. The person who pushes you to step out of the box of shyness and modesty and show the world your true self. The model of a woman who is not scared of no and closed door because she will find and open another one, right next to it.

AISPI is a company for passionate people who are ready to dedicate to the idea something more than just time and efforts but for the ones who carve for the opportunity to make real changes.
– Written by Daria Mulikova, Marketing Assistant at AISPI from November 2018 to April 2019
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